How to Use Machine Learning for Lead Generation?

Jan 18, 2019 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 comments

Machine learning plays an important role in our day to day lives. From simple devices like calculators to complex machinery like cars, you can find some form of machine learning. Sales and enterprises are embracing this concept since AI technology has been predicted to take charge and influence machine leaning lead generation in the future. Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning has the possibility to revolutionise our daily lives, whether it’s driving our cars or how we process our information and analyze data. AI represents the potential of machines to emulate human behaviour. Unlike human beings, machines can hand most tasks hurriedly and efficiently than human beings could ever accomplish.

This is why enterprises are integrating AI lead generation solution technology and software to assist in marketing their products. Marketers normally analyse data to help determine whether their strategies are proving to be successful. This is where machine learning comes in by allowing them to huge amounts of information on their strategies and clients. This can be very beneficial in the lead generation process by allowing marketers to precisely target potential customers with personalized content to get them to like their products and services. Here are some of the ways machine learning is hugely influencing lead generation and impacting our daily lives.

  1. Database creation and management in customer service centers

Machine learning-based approach to database technology is fast gaining popularity especially in contact centers. Artificial intelligence is aiding i the advancement of contact centers and improving the question and answer process through automation. Concepts such as deep learning in contact center are revolutionizing the way organizations deal with their customers. Deep learning methods help machines to discern what a customer is saying, helping them interpret and respond accordingly to queries and requests made.

This is why a new, adaptive and machine based –learning approach to database technology is gaining popularity in organizations. Users can fill in various details such as names, occupations and contacts. Later, the database software comes up with a list of most accurate matches from the millions of contacts available. The leads are then verified and the contact details updated accordingly. Machine learning enables any database to become more dynamic and optimal. The database technology offers flexible data structures unlike classic-tree structures which are based on fixed mathematical limits and static behaviour. AI tools can accumulate large amounts of data while interacting with your clients.

Machine learning techniques constantly enhance how data is managed in memories and external disk based on the application’s workload and resource capabilities.

  1. Increasing levels of sales and revenue

AI and machine learning B2B marketing applications are helping B2B marketers with their approach towards boosting the level of sales and revenue in enterprises. Content marketing AI software can help marketers in scanning entire websites and content libraries to aid n categorising and organizing the content you produce. The software then delivers the right content such as offers, pages and e-mails to the right contacts (in terms of buyers) at the right time.

Companies such as Facebook and Twitter are integrating AI and machine learning to improve the quality of their ads. Ads can help an organization expand their customer base by reaching out to potential clients via social media platforms.

AI technology and machine learning has also been used extensively by e-mail marketers to reach out to customers. Marketers have used many e-mail and marketing automated platforms for years to advertise products to potential clients. This is aided by automated e-mails which can be sent by machine learning algorithms and tools such as SUM and Random Forest.

  1. Inspires engagement and reduces operational costs

Unlike human beings who get tired and require sleep, AI chatbot software can offer 24-7 services to customers requiring assistance. Chatbots significantly reduce the response time taken to reply to customers. Customers prefer receiving answers instantly as compared to waiting for a response. Customer representatives cannot guarantee the same levels of efficiency offered by AI chatbots. The system makes lead generation faster by improving the quality of data and reducing time wasting. Research shows that chatbots can reduce up to 30% in customer support costs thus reducing operations costs from an overall perspective.

  1. Helps Reduce Human Errors

Let’s face it, AI systems are more efficient at processing data and analyzing information that human beings. Manually analyzing huge databases can be a time-consuming process for organizations. Even if one could be capable of handling huge amounts of data, chances are that he or she might miss important details thus making errors.

AI software such s Netra, can help reduce human errors in a workplace. Netra is an AI system used by marketers to help them understand consumer interests.  Software such as Netra analyzes customer’s visual content from social media platforms such as Instagram to learn more about clients and correctly predict consumer behaviour. AI software can also be used to analyze points or problems that your customers faced during each session. Issues could range from clients getting at a pop-up or homepage to low internet speeds. The software then fixes these problems based on the exact information and analysis made.

What the future holds for machine learning

There is a great influence of AI technology and machine learning in the way we live as human beings. From space programs to the field of business, machine learning is definitely going to take charge and influence lead generation in the future. We are still at new towards the concept of machine learning and artificial intelligence. With the unlimited learning capabilities, AI has hugely affected the lead generation, lead nurturing and segmentation of e-mails. The terms artificial intelligence and machine learning are often used equivalently and as much as they are innately connected, they are not the same. Artificial intelligence is the concept of machines being capable of human behaviour like thinking independently and carrying out tasks efficiently. Machine learning on the other hand involves practical application that enables AI to become possible. The future of machines learning seems to be bright and over the coming year’s businesses will adopt machine learning techniques and reap the benefits that come with it.


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