Artificial Intelligence Joins the Fight Against Coronavirus – AI Call Centers Helping Businesses with Customer Support and Service

Apr 15, 2020 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 comments

With the Global Epidemic still going strong, we are going through tough times, there is no doubt. But every challenge represents an opportunity and we believe adopting the concept of Artificial Intelligence Call Centers can help us to a great extent.

Don’t take it in bad taste, like the machines are taking over, or our jobs. If you think rationally, you will see that it’s a need of the hour given the present crises.

Gravity of the Present Situation

It’s been 4 months since the first case of Convid-19 was reported. Until then, (as of March 24, 2020) there are over 417,050 reported cases, 108,300 recoveries and 18,595 deaths around the world.

It seems like the dust is settling in China because out of the 81,171 reported cases, more than 73,000 have already recovered, there are no new cases reported since 19 march (could be wrong) and according to times, china will end the Wuhan Lockdown on April 8.

Let’s not forget the country did suffer a death toll of 3,277, and right now, the condition is much worse in Italy and is currently soaring up in the United States.

These are desperate times, and desperate times call for desperate measures. People in such times need leadership and guidance about the challenge they face. While we have a government body to lead us, there isn’t much available to guide us about how to fight against Convid-19, especially with all the misinformation that has spread already.

Why Everyone Should be OK With it?

Businesses are closing down for the time being as people are advised to stay at home. Still, they seek guidance and who they are going to rely on?

The internet is full of bogus information, recycled stuff and businesses trying to use the current crises to sell themselves (harsh reality). So, while people need a reliable source of information, they also demand a personal touch, like speaking with a real person because let’s be honest, the isolation can take its toll and speak to someone new can relieve that congested feeling. So, in this case, helplines might be the best solution.

But like we said, businesses are shut and call centers are understaffed, to say the least, so how they can help people without the manpower? Well, machine learning and AI got very popular recently, so its time we test the concept of AI Call Center.

It’s more than just Information about Corona

As the novel virus continues to disrupt work and travel, industries like banking, airline, retail and what not are having a tough time with customer service centers. Customers either disconnect or have to wait longer than usual. To bridge the gap, companies are resorting to adopting AI to continue providing customer care.

While this isn’t perfect, outbound or Inbound AI is still better than not entertaining the customer at all. Yes, there is still a need for human touch, even if you use chatbots but CONVID-19 accelerated the need for AI customer support.

Businesses at Risk

Every business around the US is all hands-on deck because the situation is getting worse here by the minute. So, they need instant solutions that can help them whether its employees working remotely to meet the demand on messaging or voice calls, or using AI Outbound or inbound calls. Businesses can use a platform that uses AI trained by subject matter and analyze the common interactions with callers and can make service adjustments as needed.

Yes, every businessman is struggling with solving their customer’s problems while assuring the safety of their workforce via social distance. In times like this, they are willing to leverage every possible resource available, whether they are experts, agents or even Artificial Intelligence Call Center. Helping businesses staying connected with their customers in these difficult times, is providing AI-Powered call center solutions.

How We are Different?

Just because inbound or Outbound AI is new to the customer service industry, this doesn’t mean its obsolete. Instead, AI-powered call-centers offers you several benefits. For instance, having a tried and tested AI eliminates the room of human error.

As you are free of the nuisances of the current pandemic, you can offer your customers round the clock care while reaching them out through their favorite device. But with all this said, we want to clarify that don’t jump to conclusions. AI is not going to replace human jobs, instead, it only means to improve them. But realizing the current situation, we tweaked our AI to sound as humanly as possible This helps you to connect with your audience and give your business a much-awaited relief.


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