AI’s Role in Improving Efficiency of Call Centers

Mar 31, 2018 | General | 0 comments

Advent of AI

AI is growing nowadays by leaps and bounds. Machine learning is enabling it to get into new vistas and horizons. Day by day its’ use in various fields is expanding. AI has been successfully applied to social media domains already. However, its’ role in improving Call Center performance is still new.

AI and Call Centers

Using a telephone as an active tool to help your business grow is not a new thing. In it the tactics mostly involve a company representative who can be a customer services guy, a salesperson or fore say a debt collector. The other person is, of course, the client, customer or prospective target for a new product or campaign. One limiting factor of this model is that the only medium of communication is by voice and no person to person contact exists. Thus, analyzing a client’s behavior depends solely on his tone, mood, past experiences and the analysts’ ability doing the job.

The Emergence of AI vis-s-vis Call Center Industry

Simply cold calling won’t do the job. It may get you some results but those would mostly depend on luck rather than on some sound business strategy. That is exactly why lots of big companies hire people as analysts whose task is to make use of data available on the customer and advise the company people on how to close a likely deal, convince an unruly customer to make his debt payments on time or to help solve a customers’ complaints in an efficient, effective and timely manner. The downside to this technique is that the analysts doing this job don’t come cheap. They cost the company a lot of otherwise hard earned revenue. Not only this, but the human analyst requires considerable time to sift through the mammoth data available online and make sense out of it. The same precious time lost may end up costing the company the same client to another competitor. The problem is not with the availability of the data. It is the time and cost effect needed to put it to good use.

Putting AI to Good Use

It is here where AI comes in and makes a huge difference. By using predictive analysis techniques software like RosponseAI can quickly and efficiently analyze the customer biases, preferences, real time mood and other variable personality attributes to help the company guys in closing the maximum possible deals in the least possible time. Not only this, but there is a double added benefit. The software works both ways. As it has access to the sales representative/ customer services guy’s conversations too; it can analyze their performance and make recommendations to the companies’ management. Using the same the management can work with HR staff to improve the output of the complete team.

Summing Up

Thus, it can be easily seen how the mere use of RospnseAI can help in improving the productivity and output of Call Centers. Success lies in embracing AI and molding own business strategies to work with them. Using predictive analysis algorithms and models is the future of the Call Center industry.



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