3 ways to use artificial intelligence in lead generation, qualification and conversion

Apr 11, 2018 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 comments

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has always been quite common in science fiction movies, however, it’s not the case today. Artificial Intelligence has already been integrated into the various fields of life and the users might not be able to identify them as so. From asking Alexa to play your favorite song to asking Siri to do some Google searches for you, artificial intelligence is what perform all these actions. There are numerous benefits of Artificial intelligence as well as its applications in daily life such as those related to business and personal matters.

Organizations have particularly started to implement artificial intelligence to streamline mundane tasks and customer service tasks. One such example is of Facebook Messenger Chat bots. AI also proves to be effective for improving B2B lead generation. Though Artificial Intelligence has numerous advantages, it has always been a two-sided debate with pros and cons, where pros do show possibilities but the cons do scare users by its potential. But no matter what, AI has already made its place in our everyday life!!

Organizations have started using AI on a massive scale by harnessing benefits from them related to virtual assistance technology in Starbucks, similar to Amazon’s Alexa. These virtual assistances help users to order their meals easily. With more and more AI-powered solutions in the market or available to the users/ customers, such as like Starbuck’s Alexa, there will be a greater need for all kinds and levels of organizations to incorporate AI-powered virtual assistance technologies in their business model – as explained by John Swanciger in Entrepreneur.

It is a very wise move to integrate AI in the marketing strategy of a business as early as possible because Artificial Intelligence revitalizes the way a business is run or approaches lead generation. Lead generation is already a costly series of trial and error and exploration for all organizations and thus, this tactic will surely benefit the organization. With the help of tag words, it was identified by Toby Nwazor for Entrepreneur, rudimentary search for related leads can be enhanced. This process further helps in finalizing the results as the user selects relevant output generated. A lead generation system with an AI can be able to identify patterns, make suitable arrangements and improve with the passage of time by providing relevant results.

Among various ways through which Artificial intelligence can be used for increasing lead generation, qualification and conversion, following are the few top ways to achieve it:

  1. Prospective information is provided with more accuracy

For quite a long time, organizations have actually suffered through losses because of the different challenges they had to face due to lack of information. Organizations have also had difficulty with customer support due to poor call and/ or chat centers that help organizations to inquire about customer’s needs and requirements. This eventually turns a simple and helpful task of customer support a hefty part of the business budget. However, the solution to this huge problem is in implementing artificial intelligence systems such as those available at RosponseAI.com. Bots have actually made such tasks easy and smooth.

Different leads can be generated from various channels such as Google, LinkedIn, and others. Introduction of AI in the procedure helps in the validation of data that further helps to identify what kind of data could be accurately related. This process then acts as a series of chain reactions because data that was identified in the first stage of prospecting procedure leads to improved outcomes and success on the whole.

  1. A more personal and human method of sending automated messages

Automated messages have long been in different industries where they are used for advertisement and other kinds of activities; from email drip sequences to social media posting. These automated messages can be generated through plenty of automation tools that are available for lead generation. This whole operation can further be improved by implementing AI systems available at Rosponse.com.

With the integration of AI, this operation can be optimized. This is because AI will help in providing specific messages that can forward towards specific leads. Due to this, when target market or customers will be receiving these messages, there will be higher chances that they would convert.

In a traditional set- up, usually, there is a salesperson in shape of a human being who is responsible for writing or replying to queries of customers sent through email. These salespeople are required to generate a personalized email for the reply and make sure they are using the right tone or voice as per various factors stated by the customers. Upon integration of AI, the biggest drawback of the traditional style of email replying can be diminished. Salesperson usually provides a generic email to customers in reply and that can break a customer- organization bond. With AI systems from Rosponse.com, automation in the organization can be with a human feel.

AI is capable of making normal salesperson like a superhuman salesperson. Though salespeople are valuable and are irreplaceable with machines, with collaborating with AI systems, they can become, stronger, smarter and even better – as advised by the CEO and founder of LeadChrunch, Olin Hyde. LeadChrunch is a B2B lead generation organization that utilizes machine learning and AI on a large scale.

One of the best qualities of Artificial Intelligence is that it streamlines procedure by which correct message is sent to the correct person at the right time. Customer contacts can be made faster than usual if the technology is implemented. It does assure increased efficiency of the marketing strategy as well as the enhanced capability of responding to interest generated by AI.

With such AI systems that you can get from Rosponse.com, you can finally be able to understand their importance and value with respect to its capabilities and benefits of humanization. With AI, increased humanization of chat bots leads to a possibility of available customer service representatives that can have meaningful chats with customers and solve their issues or queries. This also allows keeping the business running at all times, during night and day.

  1. Do not worry about missing any opportunities

An average of 4 minutes is saved every time a bot is asking questions from customers in banking and healthcare industries instead of a human being. This approach has a lot of benefits with respect to time as well as the budget of the organization. This is because when the bot is performing a given task, it is likely to complete it before a normal human being can do. Secondly, money paid to human beings for performing the task is basically saved as bots do not demand money.

Another very important thing for customers is to get their issues resolved right at the moment when they are facing them. Such customers do expect to get support 24/7 and do not care whether the customer representative is also a human and needs a time off. Therefore, a solution available at Rosponse.com in shape of Artificial Intelligence can be implemented that can ease down this problem.

Chat bots can be up around the clock for assistance to be provided to the client right when they need it. Artificial Intelligence has made this easier and even possible. Robots are now designed in a way that they can stay up all night and all day, 24/7, to get the work done without being fatigued. Approximately three-quarters of the consumers want to solve their problems on their own and prefer to talk on the phone to get the issue resolved. Artificial Intelligence robots can do this easily as they are programmed and designed to communicate via this medium. In this way, Artificial Intelligence provides enormous benefits to the organizations while marketing. Robots save time as well as money and hold a great perspective as being a big part of customer support in upcoming years.

According to statistics, it is known that there are preferred times to contact leads and their responses too as well as there needs to be at least 6 to 8 touches that help in generating a sales lead. All these factors come into play when there is a need for lead generation, qualification, and conversion. Since there is a need for quick follow up in B2B leads, here, AI can be of great help such as those you can get from Rosponse.com who can streamline the leads.

Data from one of the old Harvard Business Review on lead response study tells that:

  • 16 percent of companies responded within one to 24 hours
  • Only 37 percent of companies responded to their leads within an hour
  • 24 percent of companies took more than 24 hours
  • 23 percent of the companies never responded at all
  • The average first-response time of B2B companies to their leads was 42 hours

This data, as well, portrays that there is a huge difference between the generation of a response to customers. In case of customers, they require immediate responses, and as per the data provided above, it can be seen that average time was of 42 hours, which is enough to frustrate a customer. The ultimate solution to this menace to organizational reputation and brand image is to implement the AI systems available at Rosponse.com.

With AI in place, prospects can be immediately reached out to and can also be followed up with leads already present in the pipeline. This will portray a sense of eliminating missed opportunities, higher precision rate and will also show interest that the organization is interested and worried about customer’s experience. For example, if there is a prospect in sales funnel who took an action at 3 a.m. there can be a high level of interest but for that, a salesperson could have to wait for 6 hours. Instead of this, an AI can be implemented right away; which will enhance the likelihood of conversion.

One of the huge opportunities of AI- savvy marketers is to make it possible for the prices to be dynamic. As per the digital content manager on LinkedIn, Robert Allen, discounts play a very important role but on the other side, they can hit the bottom line and hurt organization too. He also commented that sales are very crucial because it enables people to buy products that the customers weren’t able to buy due to some reason or high price.

Another aspect of this is that people should be targeted with special offers so that they could be compensated for the extra money they have already spent on products they purchased earlier. In doing so, the bottom line does not get much affected and the sales do get the customers to convert easily. There would not be as much effect on the bottom line as it thought to be while applying the promotional offers for the whole customer population compared to offers only for a limited people who were given incentives.

Summing up here, it is important to get on board with the tech and AI- savvy marketers who wish to accumulate the leads and generate a greater number of leads, qualify and convert to get AI- systems available at Rosponse.com for their marketing activities. It should be noted that Artificial Intelligence has already been implemented by major organizations such as Whole Foods, Amazon, Starbucks, and others. So it is about time for all organizations that they implement a system which allows them to get on a similar level of competition that others are in their respective industries.

This technological intervention will help organizations to improve and meet the needs and demands of customers on a regular and continuous basis; where customers require an instantaneous/ immediate response and that as well personalized!!

These personalized approaches by the organizations will lead them towards the heights of success and they might be able to generate higher profits than competitors playing alongside in the industry. With virtual assistants, where AI will build a relationship with shoppers, they might be able to recognize patterns as well as shopping habits that can direct them towards targeted marketing campaigns.


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