How to write cold-emails that quickly convert to sales?

Oct 1, 2018 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 comments

Emails are an effective way of communicating with people, and it is being used in marketing more than ever.

The recent growth in spam emails is leading people to think that the era to use email for marketing will be over soon. Most experts believe email will lose the charm and some other innovating platform will take over.

However, there is still merit to the use of emails for marketing. You need to tweak your methods for them to be successful anymore.

In marketing, people use a term “Cold-email“. It’s nothing hard or cold (pun intended) to understand. It is quite simple and even people, who have no information about marketing, can understand easily.

Cold email is merely an email sent to a potential client that has no existing connection with your organisation. Whoever has an email is bound to get cold emails.  Cold emails are mostly left unread keeps on piling in your inbox.

An average worker gets about 140 cold-emails each day. It doesn’t mean that cold emails are of no use because if they were not, then no one would keep sending them. Cold-emails are an excellent opportunity for you to spread your business without much expenditure. There is significant potential in converting leads into a client. You need to upgrade your tactics. Learn how to compose an effective Cold-mail. Try not to sell your product right away and stay away from sending a mail to cringe.

We will guide you through 6 tactics that are bound to bring an evident change in your cold-email response rate:

1-Identify your clients:

Quite obvious yet is ignored by a large of people. After all, if you were to sell ingredients to make medicines, you will want to connect with people who will buy them. That is pharma companies and such. There is no use in trying to sell ingredients for medicines to a tech company individual. In simpler terms, only target the people that could benefit from what it is that you are selling.

Reflect on the brands, style, and customers you will like to work. Also take into consideration factors that may affect such as location, interests, and whether you will satisfy their needs. If those aren’t accordingly, then you shouldn’t bother them by sending an unnecessary email.

Once you have found your target audience, then consider finding the right person to contact. You generally want to choose someone who will decide to use your product or service.

This process does sound very cumbersome, and it is. However, with the appearance of social media, the tools that you need are right in front of you. It is easier than ever. It will still take effort and time to profile them, and that is something you have to bear.

2-Map out what your clients care about:

Now that you have profiled the clients that can need your service. Reflect on what problems they may face and how you can solve those problems. For example, restaurants are often having trouble with the logistics of fresh food. So, if you offer any services that can help them solve that problem then layout the problem and how it affects them. Then reflect on how you can answer that problem and lay it out in a straightforward manner.

3-Get to the point:

Time is precious, and you cannot get it back. No one likes to waste it on reading an email with a few thousand words, and you must realise this. In fact, after only reading the beginning sentences, they should have understood what it is that you are trying to convey.

Avoid any sentences that are not needed to convey the point. Such as asking about how they are along with others. You also do not mean such words, and it is generally not a good practice to say something you don’t expect. Moreover, it is even more so for emails for marketing.

Consider using bullet points to illustrate your benefit and other methods that help to glance over your text quickly.

4-Test your email:

You can also consider showing the email to a friend or colleague of yours as a test. Observe if they can read them in less than 1 or 2 mins. Remember that they shouldn’t have trouble understanding any part and if they do, ask them how where they are having trouble. So tweak your mail accordingly.

5-Catch him with your subject line:

An estimated 35 per cent of email recipients open the email just by reading the subject line alone. They are your first impression before your first impression, and they often happen to be the last. Because many will not read anything more than that one line.

Your subject line should be short and define why you are mailing them. It is imperative not to make the subject line too big, generally less than ten words so our mind can glance through them at once.

6-Mention only one form of contact:

To increase your chances of conversion, give them a definite step to take if they are interested to know more. For example, do you want them to call? Alternatively, visit your website? Alternatively, email you back?

You need to give them just one step to take for them to know more. Nothing more and nothing less. The more you tell the client to do, the more you are overwhelming them with information. It is imperative that they don’t feel confused about such a simple action.

The takeaway

The technology have advanced immensely that have reduced the workload. RosponseAI is a stupendous software that utilizes the intelligence of AI for Market Research.

Email remains as one of the most effective ways to communicate as well as interact with your audience. However, the days when you can randomly send an email to everyone and expect them to become your customer are over. It’s merely not possible with the recent growth in spam emails.

Reading emails at this point has become a job itself which speaks volume. As mentioned above, an average worker gets about 140 cold-emails each day.

To use emails for marketing, it is imperative to tweak your emails to the trends of today. Mostly remember to be precise with your emails.


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