How Artificial Intelligence Improvise B2B Marketing And Lead Generation

Apr 11, 2018 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 comments

The power of Artificial Intelligence is taking over the commercial and corporate sector rapidly. Though much is left for research in this niche, people have been stepping up in this domain with a hope to achieve enhancements in their sales and marketing. Right after we saw the wave of AI in the call centers, people began pondering over the application of AI and machine learning for effective B2B marketing. If you have come to know about this lately, then you might wonder how AI is changing the lead generation and marketing strategies! In this article, we focus on some of the ways by which artificial intelligence will improvise B2B marketing and lead generation markedly.

Benefits Of Artificial Intelligence For Effective B2B Marketing

Analyzing and Refining Big Data

Analyzing your data, rather the big data is the key to find the strengths and weaknesses of your business. This data helps you know the right direction where your business can flourish in the best way. The same data helps you in effective B2B marketing as well.

However, data analysis is not something to be done by an amateur. In fact, even the most expert marketers are afraid of this tiring activity.

Nonetheless, by linking together artificial intelligence and big data, data analysis can be performed much quickly and accurately than a human can do. These dedicated AI-based apps will not only save your time but will also process complex data within a few minutes, giving you precise results ready to be used for your next marketing strategy. In this way, the work that previously required days or weeks will now be done in a jiffy through artificial intelligence.

Hones Selection of Accounts

Effective B2B marketing is all about selecting the right accounts. Today, most companies are exploiting their sales teams to choose the most appropriate accounts for marketing their products.

Before purchasing a product, a customer goes through a number of stages. As a human, analyzing this behavior and utilizing it for marketing is difficult. But an AI app can do it all. You can easily evaluate and qualify your clients interested in your products and services. With such apps, you can also gather data for effective preselling. You might have to enter a few more details about the services and products.

With the robust features of how AI uses data, your sales team would be spending more time in closing the sales instead of analyzing and qualifying accounts. This will sufficiently contribute towards enhancing your sales and lead generation.

Moreover, with this approach, AI apps can also let you identify the accounts where you need a remarketing of your products, or more information is required before reaching a decision. This saves you all the time which you would have otherwise spent on picking up your clients manually.

Effective Cost Reduction

Now, this is something adding a plus to AI. Most CEOs and company owners, upon hearing your demands for implementing artificial intelligence-based marketing approaches, may wonder why does artificial intelligence matter at all! They may not be concerned with all the benefits AI gives them. Nonetheless, they are mere, in fact, solely focused towards one goal – cost reduction! Why not let them know about his benefit of AI?

A common reason why the applications of artificial intelligence are still in their infancy in the corporate sector is the ignorance of the higher towards this aspect, AI for cost reduction.

According to what statistics suggest, those firms who use artificial intelligence and machine learning have been able to reduce their costs by about 40% to 60%. This AI-based software significantly reduce your workload and administrative costs needed for all the marketing activities. For example, chatbots are now handling the work of a customer representative for client management. Apps like RosponseAI will never let you have an idea when you will be interacting with a bot!

Generating More Leads And Sales

The use of AI in lead generation has proven to be the most efficient means of increasing your sales today. Leveraging the intelligence of AI software, you can handle multiple clients at the same time more efficiently. This ultimately helps you in generating more leads.

With the power of AI, you can easily get your lead generation process much refined. By streamlining your lead generation process with artificial intelligence, you will be able to convert more clients into leads effectively.

Using the big data, after analyzing it with AI tools, you will pick up which clients can convert the best.

Personalized Marketing Approach

The best thing while using AI for sales is the alleviation of spam from marketing strategies. Wondering how? Well, artificial intelligence empowers you for a more personalized marketing approach. Isn’t it exciting?

Presently, whether it is B2B marketing or B2C, a conventional approach for marketing brands, products, and services by most companies is spamming. Almost every day, customers receive tens or hundreds of spam emails and messages having promotional content about some product. However, these messages simply fail to convey your message to your target audience. People do not even bother reading the entire texts, just because they apprehend the texts as spam.

To eliminate this problem, artificial intelligence can help you adopt a more personalized approach. It enables you to know what your customers need, and what they demand from you. You can send personalized messages from your company to your customers, which attract them even more. Ultimately, when they tend to read your entire message, it will improve your sales.

Predictive Data Analytics

Predictive data analytics is mainly essential for predictive marketing. The latter is all about forecasting the activities and behavior of your customers by making use of the information previously available. This way, you can judge what your client will do in future.

Likewise, predictive analytics is all about analyzing the in hand data to predict whether your client will convert to a lead or not. Doing such complicated analyses and predictions will definitely blow out our minds. Nonetheless, using AI lead generation software will help you gather precise and accurate data for useful forecasts. The more accurate your data is, the most right your prediction will be about your client conversion.

Using AI-Based Apps For Effective Marketing

Although the implementation of AI has not gained much recognition in the field of sales and marketing yet, nonetheless, the momentum with which it is expanding its overage is quite noteworthy. Today, we have several dedicated software and apps that make use of artificial intelligence for increasing lead generation and effective B2B marketing. RosponseAI is one such example.


RosponseAI is a revolutionary tool to handle your clients and leads without requiring human interference in the conversations. This app uses the power of artificial intelligence. Therefore, it can easily deal with your customers without instructions from your end.

This AI sales software can prove to be an efficient AI agent for customer support. You don’t need to set up dedicated customer care departments or hire the services of call center agents for managing your leads. RosponseAI is a budget-friendly tool for generating more leads as it reduces your expenses and jazzes up your profits.

Following are some of the best features of this wonderful app.

Lowering Response Time With Automation

RosponseAI is smart enough to respond your clients autonomously. This tool eliminates the requirement for taking the services of separate call center agents as it can handle your clients more efficiently. It is capable of handling multiple clients at a time, responding to all of them most proactively.

Enhanced Client Support By Efficient Responses

RosponseAI is explicitly designed to cater the needs of a call center. Hence, it evaluates the customer queries and replies to them with the most relevant solutions satisfying your client. That is how it strengthens your brand’s online reputation. Using similar approach of AI in B2B marketing will eventually boost your business.

Alleviating Extra Expenditures Saves Up Your Budget

Buying RosponseAI app does not cost you a fortune as it is accessible by paying quite affordable rates. Plus, it significantly reduces your expenditures overs the hiring of CSR staff, establishing a separate office for them, the cost incurred on all the equipment and furniture needed for this department, and the subsequent cost of repair and maintenance.

Is B2B Artificial Intelligence Approach A Guarantee For Effective Lead Generation?

Although the advantages of artificial intelligence towards marketing and lead generation cannot be ignored, that does not mean that this AI-based approach is capable of out throwing humans from the field.

Though with dedicated B2B artificial intelligence software tools, you can easily churn out your leads for the team, you will still be lacking the completeness of information, which only a human can provide. Therefore, you will still be somewhat reliant on human interference in this niche.

For instance, an effective sales strategy is about establishing personal relations with the clients, which only a human can do. No matter how compelling your AI-powered personalized messages are, they would still lack the sweetness of human conversation. And, even if this lacking is overcome, you will still require human agents to decipher your client’s behavior.

AI-based strategies are by no means a replacement for humans. However, these apps are indeed successful in alleviating the dependence on human staff.

Future Prospect of Leveraging AI In B2B Marketing

With the passage of time, the general perspective of the business community towards artificial intelligence is being changed. Today, more and more entrepreneurs are becoming interested in adopting AI to boost their B2B, B2C marketing strategies, and lead generation. According to what the CEO of Foresight Factory & Future Foundation, Meabh Quoirin, considers, AI is quite desirable for marketing departments primarily because of its time-saving nature. It means that the sales agents will have more time to generate more money.

According to Quoirin, “We find that as soon as people are using [technology] like this in a context where it helps them get things done faster, they adjust to that convenience very quickly. What we see is that it’s a question of “when” rather than “if” with AI. But it will happen bit by bit.”

The pace with which AI is growing, one can certainly expect it to be attracted by more large companies making bigger investments in this niche. The use of AI will naturally reduce the cost incurred upon developing dedicated marketing tools such as CRM or other automation software. Hence, you will be having more amount to improve your overall promotional strategies.

Wrapping It All

Artificial intelligence is undoubtedly the technology of the future. One can simply not deny its effectiveness and robust applications in all domains of our lives. Precisely, the corporate sector is being overwhelmingly invaded by this technology.

Today, more than 75% of businesses are positive to make use of AI for predictive analysis and other marketing strategies. It shows the way the businesses are concerned about exploiting this technology for effective B2B marketing and lead generation.

What’s more important here is that if you are planning to step into this niche for your business, do this right now, since the artificial intelligence market is supposed to be surpassing $100 million by 2025. It means you should start updating yourself on how AI will help you scale your business more effectively. It is like a “now or never” situation for the corporate world. The more you delay, the more challenging it will become for you to leverage AI to boost your business since the competition will get more stringent.


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