Make your business automated with Artificial Intelligence before it is too late!

Apr 16, 2018 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 comments

Do you want to automate your basic business tasks? Do you have some great automation business ideas? Are you looking for some artificial intelligence business automation tools? Well, this article will be the right guide to clear your head.

What is it all About?

Artificial Intelligence or AI is one of the biggest buzzing things around the technological globe. Tech wizards foresee this giant phenomenon as the transformational stimuli towards a better tomorrow.

In today’s world of information and technology almost everyone has heard about this broad and versatile word called AI. From movies to machines to business organizations AI is buzzing like a bee all around us. But what exactly does AI mean? How can it be beneficial for us? Does AI have any importance in the business world? Let us find out!

Far beyond the spectrum of science fiction, AI is already part of our daily lifestyles. It is a large umbrella that consists of scientific technologies that help computers and machines to operate intelligently. It is a problem solving mechanism to foster machine learning.

AI trends are growing in every part of the society. For businesses worldwide, AI is the latest new addition for enhancing productivity and increasing efficiency. You are looking for ways how to automate your business or what automation of business tasks, then you should start incorporating AI in your business operations.

AI trends

The most widely use AI technologies these days are for the online businesses and entities working on a global level through the internet. According to estimates by 2020, more than 40-45% of the internet transactions will be dealt by AI bots. Large number of companies are adapting to AI technologies to boost their sales and grow their profitabilities through various techniques. Not only is the use of new technologies on the rise but integration of AI systems with existing technologies is being used for streamlining in office affairs, enhancing efficiencies and growing the productivities of various processes.

Tech giants around the world have now agreed to one thing collectively: All types of businesses should now start to adopt AI systems and technologies for doing their basic business tasks or else they would be left behind.

Why do you need AI?

But why is AI becoming such a big factor for success of a business in the long run? Well, below are a few reasons:

Virtual Assistance:

Customer relationship management is one of the most critical and vital factors in the service industry. Take the example of a large International Airline business which has to interact with hundreds of thousands of clients and potential customers on a daily basis and that too from all around the world. These interactions are done both in the real world as well as in the virtual market place of the internet. Any type of loopholes in their customer relationship management at any interaction medium can be adverse for their business performance.

This where, AI can play its effective role. The solutions to constant yet efficient connectivity with the market are intelligent systems and chatbots. In case of flights delays and any changes in schedules, customers can be notified automatically by these bots but on a personal level. Through AI technology, the chatbots can even answer client questions without any barrier of time or space. As a consequence business will automate and reap substantial benefits both in monetary and non-monetary ways.

Generation of marketing and business insights:

In the age of internet and digital technologies, information and data are vital factors for development and growth. But collection of relevant data and extraction of the required information is critical for reaping its benefits. It requires the right machinery that can do the extraction from the database and process the data into the appropriate information.

AI can be highly beneficial in this regard. AI powered tools help organizations in mining for the required data and process it intelligently. Billions of data units can be extracted and process in a few minutes and even seconds. What make AI even more beneficial is that it can learn and adapt with time. As a consequence the results are up to date and businesses can have access the latest information in the market.

Automation of systems:

One of the key outcomes of using artificial intelligence systems is automation of activities. This outcome ensures increase in productivity and efficiency of the organization. The automation of various processes and operations in the workplace is achieved through various AI systems and robotics. Ranging from manufacturing in factories to making bookings and reservations all can be automated using AI robots.

These days businesses are more concerned about automating their routine mundane tasks. By automating the routine processes artificial intelligence is reducing the workload of the human resource which can be utilized for more important and analytical works.

Why is AI powered automation essential in businesses?

AI powered systems and robots are far superior in carrying out basic business tasks as compared to human labor because they are more efficient and have higher productivity with lesser cost. They do not require lunch breaks, food, cigarettes or days off. They work with one click and can perform more as compared with the average worker in an office space. AI is useful in reducing operational expenses, increasing efficiencies, growing profits and improving client experiences.

Some essential benefits that small and large businesses can achieve using automation tools of AI include the following:

  • AI automation replacement in business can help in saving valuable time and money spent on the routine basic tasks
  • Increasing operational efficiency and productivity of the business entity or office space
  • If the AI powered automation is merged with other AI technologies that stimulate cognitive and deep learning business decision making can become faster and more effective
  • When basic business tasks are automated using AI robots and systems the chances of human error are reduced and mistakes can be avoided to a larger extent.
  • If AI automation is implemented in the service sector, improved customer preference prediction can be achieved and better personalized customer services can be provided.
  • AI automation used for data mining and information extraction can be very fruitful for business decision making and analyzing the markets for lead generation
  • Profits and revenues can be enhanced through identification of new opportunities and maximization of sales

AI can optimize your business, work force and customer experiences.

Driving force towards AI in business:

What is required in an organization for the implementation of AI system to automate your business processes?

Changes and adaptations in business organizations do not happen at once. There are technological shifts that take place slowly and gradually. Proper training and learning activities are organized to prepare and educate the organizational members for the labor replacements and processes reengineering that will be taking place in the course of time. A similar organizational change is required when we want to automate the business process through AI.

There are certain initiatives and steps that need to be taken in an organization for the introduction and implementation of AI automation systems. Some of these may be as follows:

  • Critical Decision Making:


The executive management and shareholding members of the company must make a decision to introduce AI systems to automate the business tasks. This executive decision can initiate a technological shift that can transform the entire organization setup and working environment. It could to be the incentive that an organizational management needs for the transformation.

  • Prolonged Organizational Problems:


AI systems automation for business tasks might become essential when there are certain technical or operational problems that the company has been facing for a long period of time. The solution of these problems might lay in the automation of the business processes. So, the management will be compelled to initiate an AI based technological change.

  • Prototype experiment:


Many companies start a technological change in the form of an internal experiment. Calculating and analyzing the results of this experiment, they take the decision of implementing the AI systems permanently.

  • Market demand:


In certain scenarios, the market itself might act as the driving force for the implementation of the AI automation system. With a high rate of adoption, AI systems may act as a foundation of competitive advantage in the industry. Survival of the company would therefore lay in the implementation of this system without any delays.

  • Start of a new project:


There are certain businesses that diversify into other projects as they expand their markets and products. Implementation of AI in new projects may open up horizons and opportunities for new technologies in existing businesses as well. The strength of this driving force then depends on the positive and profitable outcomes achieved through the AI automation systems in these new projects.

AI powered Call centers:

The leading AI automation in business sector today is through call centers. Offering a wide range of service solutions is a leading system provider in the industry. It caters to different types of businesses and helps them by expanding their market shares and growing the profitability.

With a variety of products and services is suitable for all types of business entities and industries. They help reduce system and human resource costs and at the same time help organizations provide state of the art customer experience to their clients.

Below are some challenges which companies might face in the process.

Risks associated with AI Automation:

Like any other organizational change, technological shift or transformation also comes with its set of challenges and risks. Some of these might act as hurdles and obstacles in the course of productive implementation. They adversely impact the way the technology is utilized and shrink the positive outcomes. Let us have a look at some of these challenges and risks.

  • It is essential to understand the AI is a technological advancement that is still emerging. There are changes and improvements in the basic AI systems every few months. As a consequence of this fast paced development, the business should be ready to face all types of unforeseen risks and challenges.
  • It is assumed (and for some extent is true) that the automation of business processes will reduce the requirement of human labor or workforce. As a result most employees feel insecure and fear that the change will affect their jobs. It is important to make them understand that Automation will only make things easier and less hectic for them and improve the efficiency of the employees rather than replacing them. In fact in many ways AI might be creating new jobs for a number of skilled employees.
  • Implementation and training of AI automation systems in an organization is not a cheap affair. It requires investment and financial spending. The cost of acquiring the right AI system and them maintaining for a longer period of time will require a good investment. The businesses should therefore work out all financial feasibilities before making the change.
  • The AI automation of business tasks should be considered only if you have the appropriate size of company. Selection of the right AI system and technology is the key to business success.

In short, whatever might be the reason for implementing the AI automation systems in your organization it is sure to transform the way you used to work. Just make sure that the implementation is done with a positive attitude and steps to counter resistance to change are in place well in advance. Embracing new challenging and grabbing the right opportunities at the right time is essential for the long term survival and success of a business entity.

To conclude:

All types of business entities and organizations should consider implementation of AI systems in their working environments. Automation is the key to enhancing productivities and growing efficiencies. Recognizing the benefits it can bring to your business you can transform your organization into a technologically superior and competitive player in the market. Apps and programs like those provided by are the future of business automation and a roaring competition.


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