Tips for Acquiring New Leads

May 25, 2018 | Artificial Intelligence | 0 comments

Nowadays, it is a norm that business owners look for new ways to market their product or service. This is because there is fierce competition in the market, and if you lack somewhere in terms of your company and its operations, then you are sure to fall behind your contemporaries.

In order to come up with new marketing strategies, entrepreneurs are investing heavily in more experienced candidates and equipment. This is because using the right way to advertising your brand helps you in generating more leads for your business, a phenomenon that we will discuss in this article.

Before delving into greater detail, let us first explain to you what lead generation actually is. It is the term that is used to describe an individual’s initial interest in a business and its product or service. Successful lead generation can provide a company with many clients, something that is essential for effective revenue collection.

Many entrepreneurs are now working towards coming up with newer ways to generate more leads for their business or company. To do this, they are even venturing into strategies that are fairly new. If you are someone in a similar situation, then let us help you out a bit by giving you some tips on acquiring new leads that could increase conversion rates for your product or service.

Study your intended audience

This is quite important, and you should keep in mind that the likes and dislikes of your intended audience will govern your marketing strategies if you want to see them work as they are expected to. In order to make sure that you publish content that is relevant to your future clients, you must study them carefully, and create buyer personas that should also be updated from time to time.

Establish your company as an authority in your niche market

Promoting your brand as a credible entity within your niche market will do wonders for your product or service. You can do this by putting out content that does not market your business, but generally talks about your field instead. This way, people will consider you to be more reliable than your contemporaries, and you will automatically gain new leads.

Make your content as specific as it can be

While getting content written for publications, make sure that it is quite specific and does not deviate from your core message. You must always focus on your business, as otherwise people will stop taking you seriously, and will lose interest right away.

Publish high-quality content always

When it comes to publishing content, quality must always be given preference over quantity if you want to gain more leads for your business. This means that while you can compromise on the frequency with which you post online, you should never put out low quality content, as the latter would reflect badly on your brand

Make your content stand out

Come up with ways to spice up the content that you publish for your intended audience. This is because it will be more engaging that way, and people will not only read it themselves, but will also share it with their family and friends. As a result, you will get more potential clients than usual.

Do not waste time on unengaged leads

Keeping your leads engaged is quite important when it comes to successful marketing strategies. If you ever feel that this is not happening, than you need to revisit your database and cleanse it of such unneeded information, and focus on people who really matter.

Use email marketing wisely without cluttering people’s inboxes

Email marketing, when used in moderation, is an effective means of educating people about your business and product/service. This means that in addition to making sure that you send out content that sells instantaneously, make sure that you do not bother people by emailing them too frequently. Once or twice a week is good, and will keep your leads engaged.

Lay out a plan for your clients’ journey from start to finish

This is very important, and will let you determine what needs to be done at every step of your buyers’ journey. Also, more importantly, to generate more leads, you should match your content with these stages. This will help you in coming up with effective marketing strategies for your business.

Focus on marketing strategies that are based across several channels

This is quite important, as leads are spread across all these channels. For instance, some people are more active on social media, whilst others use emails. As a result, your marketing strategies must include each of these mediums for effective lead generation. In order to do this, you must study your intended audience, and their interests in a thorough manner.

Send out opt-in emails

These are emails that give the recipients an option to either receive them or not. This will help you get leads that are genuinely interested in your product or service, since they have voluntarily opted for receiving content from you. Also, this method will also prevent you from spamming people’s inboxes and gaining negative attention for your brand.

Give your audience the option to share your content

This is a smart way of sharing your message with more and more people, and subsequently generating more leads. Hence, make sure that you include the option of sharing the content in the emails your send out, or the social media posts that you make.

Keep evaluating your marketing strategies for better results

Never think that your strategies are working perfectly. Instead, make sure to evaluate them every now and then. This is because the requirements of the market are shifting on a regular basis, and you need to make sure that your marketing techniques are relevant all the time.

Update your social media profiles daily

Nowadays, most people use social media more than 3-4 times daily. This is because it serves many purposes, such as education, communication and entertainment. Hence, in order to gather more leads, you must post daily across you social media profiles so that people can come across your brand as many times as possible.

Communicate with people who comment on your social media posts

People are very active on social media, and if you have enough followers on your page, then you are bound to get at least a handful of comments under your every post. Once you start getting comments, you must reply to them in a prompt manner. This way, you will not only be able to maintain regular communication with your potential clients, but your brand will also be considered as one that actually cares about them.


Make your posts interesting


This can be done by mixing the tone and language of your messages. As a result, your intended audience will not get bored of monotonicity, and instead, they will go through your posts with interest. This, in turn, will increase the number of leads that you get for your business through your social media posts.

Try maintaining relationships with industry giants

This is another very important trick when it comes to generating leads for your business. You can get in touch with the industry giant of your field and work towards sending out content that is jointly written. This way, you will be able to reach to their clientele as well, which is a very bug plus for any business owner.

Use keywords appropriately

Keywords are an important aspect of search engine optimization, which is again another technique to generate leads for a business. In order for search engines to pick up your page more often and display it to your intended audience, you should find relevant keywords and use them within your content appropriately. However, you should make sure to not use them too much, and make it all very obvious.

Make sure that your meta descriptions are within the required range

Meta descriptions are displayed with your pages’ link in search engine results, and give an insight into what the content is about. Make sure that they are short and informative, as otherwise they will not be fully displayed, and any potential leads might lose interest because of this.

The address for your website should have a primary keyword

This helps a lot in generating leads, since SEO will work better this way. This is because your website will be picked up more frequently, and will show in search results often.

Share client testimonials on your website

While this is quite important, and works well towards effective lead generation, make sure that you do not share testimonials in an obvious way by making a separate page for them on your website. Instead, work with a design that allows two or three testimonials to appear underneath every page’s text. This will seem more natural, and potential clients will be drawn to your brand by going through them.

Include call-to-action phrases and buttons in visible places on your page

Call-to-action phrases and buttons are quite important, and will generate many engagements for your business or company. This is why you must make sure to include them on your webpage as appropriately as possible. But make them a part of your website in such a manner that they are easily visible, and clients do not have to search for them.

The placement of your call-to-actions should not confuse potential leads

This can only be done by placing call-to-actions in a strategic manner. Also, do not fill a page with them. Instead, include one on a certain page, or in an email, and point your potential clients towards it. As a result, your lead generation process will gain pace.

Your call-to-actions should be clear

Instead of having vague call-to-actions, try to make them specific. This will drive clients’ interest in your business’s favor, and they would want to make a purchase immediately.

Make sure that your forms aren’t too intrusive

This is for the time when you are trying to engage leads. In order to do this, include less personal questions in these initial forms, and more general ones. Otherwise you will scare away people, and this will cost you important leads.

Your gated content should be worth the hassle

In case you have decided to put some content behind a form that needs to be filled out before it can be accessed, ensure that it is indeed worth the hassle. This is because you really do not want to upset potential clients, as that would cost you your credibility as a company.

Most of your content should be easily accessible

While it is okay to gate certain content, you must give away most of it freely. This will engage people, as they would easily be able to get information on your product or service. Thus, the lead generation process will get a boost.

Make sure that your branding is visible on your webpage

Your webpage or any other social media presence is actually a representation of your business and product/service. As a result, you must make sure that it is laced with your branding, so that visitors know that it is indeed your company that they are engaging with.

Keep in regular correspondence with your sales department

Your sales department is where the actual purchasing takes place. This is why they will give you important insights into your lead generation techniques. Hence, it is important that you keep them in the loop, and use their facts and figures to determine whether a strategy is working or not.

Do not only focus on lead generation

While lead generation is quite important in its own right, it does not determine for sure whether these potential clients will turn into actual ones. Hence, you should work on what happens after someone has decided to engage with your business. This will give your business positive reviews that you can share with potential leads, and the cycle will continue as it is.

These are some of the tips that you can follow for effective lead generation. However, there is more to it than just this, and the key lies in research and implementation of new ideas to see what works for you and your company.


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